Principal's Corner
Ms. Marcia Payton, Principal
23-24 Clayton County Public Schools Principal of the Year
Ms. Marcia Payton is the proud principal of the "Illustrious" Michelle Obama STEM Elementary Academy. Ms. Payton has been in the field of education since 1994 and has worked in the Clayton County School district since 2011. Ms. Payton’s background consists of being an inspiring science teacher, a devoted mother, an encouraging supervisor, and a role model. She works tirelessly in collaboration with her staff and community to improve student achievement and to develop the whole child. Ms. Payton motivates and instills a sense of pride and dedication in her staff with her high work ethic. Ms. Payton is the epitome of working smart to accomplish the high goals set for the scholars and staff. Ms. Payton's commitment, spirit, and leadership ability have been major components in the school's quest to build a bright future for all scholars.